China. Tianwan NPP (TNNP), Generating Units 3 and 4


China. Tianwan NPP (TNNP), Generating Units 3 and 4

Project description. Generating units 3 and 4 refer to the second stage of the Tianwan NPP, are located on the NPP site in Jangsu Province (China) and border with TNNP generating units 1 and 2 (first stage) which were commissioned in 2007 and transferred to the Chinese customer after trial guarantee operation on April 15, 2010. The Tianwan NPP second stage (TNPP-2) is being constructed in accordance with the General Contract on the TNPP Generating Units 3 and 4 Construction which entered into force in 2011. The customer of the project is Jangsu Nuclear Power Corporation (JNPC). The service supplier is NIAEP-ASE Integrated Company. In accordance with the General Contract on the TNPP Generating Units 3 and 4 Construction, the Integrated Company is obliged to elaborate design and supply equipment for nuclear island (NI), and also bears general technical responsibility for the NPP project in whole.

The planned term of commissioning of the generating units: generating unit 3 in February 2018, generating unit 4 in December 2018.

2012 results. In 2012 the Company performed elaboration of technical design documentation packs, including technical specifications for procurement of equipment in China and third countries, as well as documents for obtaining the permits required to launch construction of generating units 3 and 4 of TNNP. In December 2012 JNPC obtained the permit for construction of TNNP-2 generating units 3 and 4. In 2012 the total cost of work on construction and designing of TNPP generating unit 3 amounted to 14.8 million euro. 100% of the annual work plan was completed. The TNNP-2 availability level amounted to 5.19 percent by the end of 2012, the contribution of the previous year to the level of the project availability equaled to 1.21%.

The key 2012 activities on construction of TNNP generating units 3 and 4 include:

2013 arrangements. Generating unit 4 construction shall start on October 20, 2013. The expected 2013 contribution to the TNPP-2 availability level shall equal to 4.77%. In this connection the main plans for 2013 include: