Kozloduy NPP (Bulgaria)


Reconstruction of power units 1-4 of Kozloduy NPP

Within the frames of a “Comprehensive reconstruction program of power units 1-4 providing their safe operation up to expiration of its lifetime” (PRG97), approved by the regulatory authority of Bulgaria and IAEA, JSC Atomstroyexport and Russian companies together with Kozloduy NPP, the works on accident localization system in part of jet-vortex condenser at power units 3 and 4, on requalification of units 3 and 4 as well as on table optimization of reactor facilities allowed modes, were performed.

Besides, within implementation of such strategy by “Konsart” consortium the participants of which were JSC Atomstroyexport and Siemens company (Germany), the works on “Residual life analysis of equipment” were carried out as well as program development on ageing management of critical equipment for power units 3 and 4 at Kozloduy NPP.

Modernization of power units 5 and 6 of Kozloduy NPP

In order to increase safe operation of Kozloduy NPP power units and within the program of their modernization JSC Atomstroyexport performed a number of contracts for supply and maintenance of boron metering devices, secondary circuit pipelines, replacement of moister separator-reheaters, supply and commissioning of neutron flux control equipment, replacement of turbines condensers pipe modules, identification of critical safety functions.

Engineering and technical services on evaluation of activities, performed during implementation of units modernization program, were rendered. Long-term contracts for service maintenance of reactor facilities and turbines of the unit were carried out.