Armenia. Armenian NPP, New generating unit (NGU)


Project description. In 2010 an intergovernmental agreement on NGU Construction was signed. The engineering company CJSC Metsamorenergoatom (CJSC MEA) acts as the customer of the project and in future will become the owner of the nuclear power plant. The CJSC MEA founders are CJSC ASE on the Russian part and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Armenia on the Armenian part.

2012 results. NIAEP-ASE Integrated Company has developed and presented to the customer projects of licensing plan and technical specifications for NGU, processes of preliminary period of NGU construction and pre-design proposition of In 2012 work was carried out on establishment of legal basis of the project, as well as arrangement and technical activities. The prepared international legal basis is sufficient for preparat ion of the project’s contract basis.