The procedure of payment of dividends in JSC NIAEP is regulated by Section 8 of the Company’s Charter. In accordance with the Charter, pursuant to the results of the first quarter, half-year period, nine month period of the financial year and/or financial year, the sole shareholder is entitled to make decision (announcement) on payment of dividends.
The decision on payment of dividends pursuant to the results of the first quarter, half-year period, nine month period of the financial year can be made within three month after completion of the corresponding period. The decision on payment of dividends, including amount, procedure, form and terms thereof, shall be made by the OJSC Atomenergoprom sole shareholder. In this case the amount of dividends can not exceed the one recommended by the JSC NIAEP Board of Directors.
According to the results of financial and economic activity in 2012, the sole shareholder made Decision No. 23 of June 29, 2012 on payment of dividends in the amount of 585,238,630.60 rubles. Payment of dividends (excluding profit taxes) was made by transfer of monetary funds to the settlement account of JSC Atomenergoprom within 60 days from the date of decision making.