Economic Effect on Local Population in Regions of Operation : Social and Economic Capital : DEVELOPMENT OF CAPITALS : Catalog : NIAEP
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New Jobs in Regions of Operation

The NIAEP activity contributes creation of new jobs both in the regions of Company’s operation and in the regions where suppliers and manufacturers of equipment and materials operate.

In 2012 nearly 80% of funds going through the accounts of the Company were received by the NIAEP counteragents which created new jobs for performance of their activity. Generally, creation of a new job at NIAEP leads to ten new jobs in related industries.

Employment of Local Population in the Russian Federation

Staff recruitment in NIAEP is carried out in accordance with STP 25.02-12 Arrangement of Staff Recruitment and Adaptation. This standard establishes the procedure for staff employment by the Central Office and structural subdivisions. Employment priority is given to local population provided that qualified employees are available in the region of operation. More than half of top managers of NIAEP are employed from among local population living in the relevant regions of operation.

Community offices are established to help the construction and mounting departments and contracting and subcontracting organizations operating on construction sites in solving the problem of HR recruitment.

All specialists employed through community offices are citizens of Russia (except for community offices in Visaginas established for citizens of Lithuania). 95% of them constantly reside in cities and settlements located within 100 km from NPP construction sites. 100% of staff employed by subsidiaries and contracting organizations get wages exceeding the minimum monthly wage fixed in the relative regions of operation.

Fig. 7.16. Number of Top Managers Employed from Among Local Population in 2012


Table 7.56. Employment through Community Offices in Russia


Employment of Local Population Abroad

The procedure for employment of local population for work performance on NPP construction abroad and execution of other nuclear energy projects was established by Order of ASE No. 42 on Approval of Procedure for Application of Document Forms of February 24, 2009 and STP 25.02-12 HR Recruitment and Employees Adaptation Procedures. In 2012 the share of engineers and technical specialists employed by ASE subdivisions from among local population amounted to nearly 20%.

In October 2012 the first foreign community office was established in Visaginas of the Utensky Uyezd of Lithuania for recruitment of qualified workers, engineers and technical specialist for the Ignalina NPP decommissioning project. A large-scale advertising campaign was carried out in Lithuanian mass media and reception of citizens was arranged. This permitted to employ the key staff for the Lithuanian Branch of Construction and Erection Department No. 1 Ltd. (NIAEP subsidiaries and affiliates) in total of 54 people and to form the external HR reserve including over 800 qualified workers and specialists within a short time.

27 Zero values are conditioned by scheduled completion of construction of Kalinin NPP generating unit 4 and liquidation of the Udomlya Branch.
