Occupational Safety Management : Human Capital : DEVELOPMENT OF CAPITALS : Catalog : NIAEP
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The Integrated Management System (IMS) is applied in NIAEP-ASE Integrated Company. One part of this System is the Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001:2007). The Safety Management System is introduced into all organizations included in the Integrated Company.

The Integrated Company constantly improves the Occupational Safety Management System and executes measures on prevention of industrial injuries and occupational diseases, improvement of labor conditions, and carries out training for managers and specialists on professional development in respect of labor protection. These directions of employer’s activity are formalized in the current Collective Agreements and are of special importance. The NIAEP activity connected with health and safety is reflected in the Collective Agreement in form of a contract on labor protection.

The main documents regulating accounting, analysis, investigation and registration of occupational accidents and diseases, as well as notifying and reporting on occupational accidents and diseases, include:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 73 on Approval of Forms of Documents Required for Investigation and Accounting of Occupational Accidents and provisions on investigation of occupational accidents in certain branches and organizations dated October 24, 2002;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 967 on Approval of the Provision on Investigation and Accounting of Occupational Diseases of December 15, 2000;
  • R GK.007-2012 Procedure for Investigation of Accidents, Emergency Situations and Incidents in ASE, NIAEP Moscow Branch and NIAEP Moscow Representation;
  • Order of NIAEP No. 395 on Approval of Procedure for Informing NIAEP and State Corporation ROSATOM Managements on Occurrence of Emergency Situations dated May 20, 2011.

Occupational safety is one of the key priorities of NIAEP. In accordance with the Occupational Safety Management System of State Corporation ROSATOM, every NIAEP subdivision applies its own management system aimed at prevention of industrial injuries and occupational diseases, improvement of labor conditions and labor protection. The Occupational Safety Management system is established on the basis of regulatory framework on labor protection of the Russian and industry-specific legislation, which is confirmed by Certificate of Compliance of Labor Protection Activities (Safety Certificate) ROSS RU No. 011039 (see Fig. 7.8).

Table 7.33 below shows levels of industrial injuries and occupational diseases, ratio of lost days, ratio of workplace absence, and the total number of fatal accidents in 2012.

Table 7.33. Occurrence Rate of Industrial Injuries

tab7.331The Company’s branches keep records of accidents involving workers of subcontracting organizations. The contracts with subcontracting organizations include requirements for informing of NIAEP on all cases of industrial injuries on construction sites.

Total number of accidents at Yuzhnouralsk TPP-2 in 2012:

  • OJSC South Power Engineering Center – 1 case, 1 person;
  • Stroymontazh Ltd. – 1 case, 1 person.

Total number of fatal accidents on Yuzhnouralsk TPP-2 in 2012:

  • OJSC South Power Engineering Center – 1 case, 1 person;
  • Stroymontazh Ltd. – 1 case, 1 person.

Fig. 7.8. Occupational Safety Management System


NIAEP Occupational Safety Assurance 20

NIAEP identified possible dangers and risks and set strategic goals in respect of labor safety and protection, elaborated programs on achievement these goals, and provided for total involvement of the employees in development of the current Labor Safety Management System.

The Company pays special attention to regular healthcare inspections of the employees working in conditions of exposure to various workplace factors. Medical attendance of this group of employees is carried out by the territorial field-specific medical centers of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation (FMBA Russia). In 2011–2012, 1,560 people (over 60% of employees) were examined in these centers in accordance with the requirements of Decree of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 302n on Approval of Lists of Harmful and Dangerous Workplace Factors and Operations Requiring to Carry out Preliminary and Regular Medical Examinations (Surveys) and Order of Obligatory Preliminary and Regular Medical Examinations of Employees Performing Hard Work or Operating in Harmful and Dangerous Conditions of April 12, 2011.

A specialized training center is used to carry out annual training and examinations on labor protection for managers and specialists and training on first-aid treatment for workers.

Constant attention of the management to issues of labor protection and high assessment of the Occupational Safety Department’s activity by the state regulatory and supervision agencies formed the positive image of our organization among the industry-specific companies and partners.

The volume of financing for execution of measures on labor safety increases year to year (see Fig. 7.9).

Fig. 7.9. Volume of Financing of Occupational
Safety Measures in 2010–2012, Ths. Rub.

The employees of the NIAEP structural occupational safety subdivisions coordinate the actions of labor safety departments of subcontracting organizations working on construction sites. In order to perform work safely on sites and reduce the occurrence rate of occupational injuries, the Company elaborated and introduced the Company’s Standard on Procedures for Recruitment of Contracting Organizations for Work Performance on NIAEP Sites. Contracts with subcontracting organizations include sections on safety requirements, and requirements for informing NIAEP on any emergency situations. Coordination of activity also includes the necessity to carry out annual sessions of safe performance of work, daily watch by occupational safety employees of subcontracting organizations on construction sites, and monthly Labor Safety Days. The NIAEP branches keep constant records of accidents involving workers of subcontracting organizations.

Integrated and systematic work on occupational safety permitted to achieve zero-rates of industrial injuries (ORII = 0) and occupational diseases (OROD = 0) among the employees since 2000.

In 2013 it is planned to execute a number of activities aimed at increase in the role of the Occupational Safety Department taking into account the necessity to provide control over safety during work performance by contracting organizations and subsidiaries on construction sites of generating units.

Occupational Safety Assurance at the NIAEP Moscow Branch and ASE

Main documents regulating activity on occupational safety in the NIAEP Moscow Branch include:

  • Plan of measures on occupational and industrial safety assurance in the NIAEP Moscow Branch for the current year (the plan for 2012 was fulfilled in full scope, and the plan for 2013 was elaborated);
  • Guidelines on the professional risk assessment method;
  • PU GK.003-2012 Occupational Safety in ASE, NIAEP Moscow Branch and NIAEP Moscow Representation;
  • Order concerning the NIAEP Moscow Branch and ASE No. 152-mf-P/373 on Safety Assurance of Employees of NIAEP Moscow Branch and ASE of October 10, 2012.

21Assessment of situation in the field of occupational safety in independent structural subdivisions is carried out during internal audits. In 2012 the leading specialist in the field of occupational and industrial safety of the NIAEP Moscow Branch in cooperation with the employees of the Occupational, Industrial and Fire Safety Department (OIFSD) took part in 9 internal audits in the capacity of technical experts.

Moreover, the leading specialist in the field of occupational and industrial safety of the NIAEP Moscow Branch in cooperation with the similar ASE department control timely procurement and delivery of free protective clothes, shoes, and personal protection equipment (PPE). Information on purchased PPE delivered to construction sites and subdivisions is summed up quarterly.

In 2012 certification of 35 working places on compliance with the requirements for labor conditions was carried out in cooperation with Limited Liability Company Scientific and Research Institute in the Field of Labor Safety in Ivanovo.

In accordance with the Schedule of Regular Medical Examinations of the NIAEP Moscow Branch and ASE Employees in 2012, regular medical examinations (surveys) of employees occupied in heavy work or operating in harmful and (or) dangerous conditions were carried out.

In 2012 the following briefings were carried out:

  • NIAEP Moscow Branch – 565 people;
  • Third-party organizations – 65 people.

A total of 593 employees of the NIAEP Moscow Branch were trained and examined on labor safety requirements.

2012 the leading occupational safety specialist of the NIAEP Moscow Branch received training and was certified in the following fields:

  • Occupational safety;
  • Industrial safety;
  • Fire safety;
  • Electrical safety;
  • Internal Audits of Occupational Safety and Healthcare Management Systems program in JSC Bureau Veritas Certification Rus.

Table 7.34. Scope of Training Programs in the Field of Occupational Safety and Number of Employees Trained in 2012


20 Excluding the Moscow Branch.
